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Terms and Conditions

1.      Due to the legal requirement, all treatments require veterinary consent as stated by the veterinary surgeon exemption act 2015.

2.      I the therapist have the right to refuse treatment if veterinary consent is not obtained. This may mean a callout fee is applied.

3.      I the therapist, have the right to refuse treatment if it is not deemed that the animal will benefit from treatment or if the animal is not suitable for treatment, with or without veterinary consent.


4.     I the owner, am aware that treatment requires somewhere dry and light with enough room for ER Vet Physio to perform the session, otherwise treatment may be stopped. Full payment for the session will still be required.

5.      If the safety of I the therapist, owner, or animal is compromised, I, the therapist have the right to terminate treatment at any point in the session/treatment plan.


6.      I the owner, am aware that physiotherapy is not a miracle cure, which may mean that I will not see significant results straight away. If I the owner, do not follow the suggested home plan I am aware that the physiotherapy may not be as effective or achieve the desired outcomes.

7.      I the therapist have the right to cancel the animal’s treatment, if another condition arises that is not covered by the current veterinary consent. Similarly, if a condition deteriorates more than what would be expected treatment cannot carry on. Once new veterinary consent has been gathered treatment can restart. 

8.      I the therapist have the right to cancel at short notice when an emergency occurs. Should this ever happen, you will be contacted as soon as possible by your preferred contact method.

9.      Payments are the responsibility of the registered owner(s) at the time of treatment. This should be provided before/at the time of treatment otherwise I, the therapist have the right to stop treatment.

10.     To the best of my knowledge, I have informed the therapist of any history that may impact the treatment plan chosen.

11.     Any cancellations less than 24 hours before the start of treatment may incur a charge.

12.     If any photos are taken during the session, they may be used for marketing purposely, but only if you the owner(s) circles yes on the referral form. If you the owner(s) change your mind, you have the right to ask for them to be removed.

13.     I the owner(s), understands that payment upfront is still required even if my insurance company is paying for the physiotherapy treatment. If payment is not completed, I the therapist, still have the right to refuse treatment and you could still be charged the appointment cost.


14.     By signing the patient referral form I, the owner(s) accept the terms and conditions.

15.    I fully understand that any information on ER Vet Physio’s website, socials, or other marketing media, is general information that is there to give me a basic understanding of how different treatments work. ER Vet Physio is not responsible should I choose to try any of these treatments myself on me, other people, or animals, from the information from these places.

Last updated: October 2022

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